The Tennessee Center for Decision-Making Support is a NEW RESOURCE that can help you learn about decision-making options for people with disabilities – all in one place!  You’ll find easy-to-understand information about supported decision-making, power-of-attorney, conservatorship, ABLE accounts, special needs trusts, and more.


Helpful Links



  • Supported Decision Making – Information and Resources by the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Dignity of Risk: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about the basic human right to make your own decisions, to take risks, to live a life you choose.
  • Your Services Should Be All About You: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about how services for people with disabilities should be person centered.
  • Presuming Competence: Video – This video from The Council on Quality and Leadership discusses presuming competence of people with disabilities, which competence means believing people are capable and that they do understand you even if they don’t outwardly show you that they do.